Card Of The Day: The Raven
Today we are visited by Raven. Raven comes to us to us to speak of magick, we may have been going through a dark time or are in desperate need of something- Raven comes and places synchronicities from spirit in our path. They say there is no such thing as coincidences and I believe that. Maybe we have given up hope in magick being real and are ready to throw in the towel, raven comes to day to remind us magick exists, don't give up, there is great power in the in-between places that witches go. Today I want each one of you who read this to make a wish , will it into being and know that it if it's of the highest good of all that it will come to pass, now I want you to let this wish go. Seeds don't grow when we constantly dig them up checking how they are growing, we have to trust that there is life springing forth from the seeds *wishes* we plant.
perfect :~) I love it when Raven shows up, as I was a Raven/Crow/Magpie somewhere in time, these birds always seek me out wherever I am... Heart opened to that which I seek... this weekend has filled me with moments of YES, and I now no longer need to IS :~) thanks