Monday, October 29, 2012

Card Of The Day 10/29

Today's Card Of The Day is: The Tower

First and foremost, I knew this card would come today. With Sandy/Frankenstorm rolling through i knew that the tower would show it's face as I picked up the deck I had a vision of it.... I used to hate to see the Tower it meant complete upheaval of my entire life everything i had worked so hard to keep "perfect" would be torn down and i would see the ugly truth of my life at the time. (it was ugly) .... 

With that in mind, i do not think today's appearance of the tower is about personal upheaval. I believe this card is like a wildfire that ravages a forest trees and lives are lost, but only so new growth can take it's place. This is the true cycle of nature. There will be property damage, there is the potential for loss of life *when authorities warnings are not heeded- evacuate for heavens sake if they say too!*, but this is only so new things can grow, to add nutrients back into the soil. This is how nature works, this is the laws we are required to play by when we live on planet earth. Sandy has the potential (and has been) a devastating storm. Do not become trapped in a dangerous situation out of pride or negligence or just plain old stubbornness. I see ghosts trapped inside, and I see nature doing her thing outside. Pay attention, nothing at all is worth the cost of your life or those you love. 

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