Sunday, August 19, 2012

Card Of The Day 8/19

Today's card of the day is: Solar Plexus Chakra 

Today we are joined again by a chakra telling us to focus our energy on this magickal power center in our body! This chakra rules our self-esteem and self worth, maybe something happened that is making us feel less than adequate today or maybe in general we just aren't feeling like we're the bomb, we'll guess what YOU ARE! YOU ROCK! YAY! You have a choice you always will on how you want your life to unfold how you want to be! You need to work on building up your confidence to see that you are an awesome soul- it's what's inside that matters, not the outside as our society would have us believe- sure looks have a little to do with it but at the end of the day it's what is inside that truly matters. I am sending each and everyone of you an extra dose of love today so that you may realize just how awesome you are!

Ways to balance your Chakra's:
1) meditation- visualize each chakra in order the color it is meant to be spinning like a vortex wash out any dark places with white lights.

2) Sound- You can use a singing bowl to balance your chakras!

More Chakra resource:
My friend and High Priestesses website:
and one more resource: 

Order a reading from me
Visit my Main Website

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