Thursday, September 27, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/27

Today's Card Of The Day Is: Four of Swords

Today we have the four of swords coming in to guide us. Today we being told to take it easy, to take time for ourselves so that we can indeed be ready the next time we must face something. Some of us (myself included) do not allow ourselves to fully relax and regenerate ourselves. We must though it is necessary for our health and well-being! This card the swords can be seen under the snow reminding us that this is only temporary as snow eventually melts and and what was frozen eventually thaws. There will be a temporary relief if the weather is "stormy" but eventually you will be called back. 

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/26

Today's Card Of The Day is: Eight Of Cups

Today we have the suit of cups ruler of emotions, relationships, our intuition- directed by the element of water and direction is west. We in our area are entering the season of fall which is ruled by water! Today we need to look at the deeper meaning of things that are around us, we need to go within. I foresaw this card this morning but in a different way- for me this card is about the season of fall, it's about moving on, preparing to look deep within us, fall always leaves us with a sense of dread because we know that winter is to follow. It is within our genes, our genetic code to worry when winter comes, will we have enough to survive? This card speaks also about arrogance and breaking away of tried traditions for the sake of pride- in the long run costing us much more than would have been needed in the first place. As we enter the holiday season we must remember our roots. Lisa says this card is about treading water, we need to break away from entrapment and allowing ourselves to be free. No matter what this card means for you it is an important one- do not ignore this cards message for you. I suggest possibly clicking on the picture and spending a moment in meditation with what it personally means to you.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/25

Today's Card Of The Day is: Eight Of Pentacles 

Today we have a world of endless possibilities open to us, but we need to work HARD, save our money, and use our skills that have been given to us. We need to pay attention to details all the details not just the things we want to pay attention too. This is a magickal time for us, there are helpful spirits waiting to help all we need to do is ask for their assistance. 

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/24

Today's Card Of The Day is: Five Of Pentacles 

Today the five of pentacles joins us; the picture shows a man reaching out to his love- the love of his life who died. He's overcome with grief and sadness. All he can do is sit at her grave and mourn her. She is reaching out to him as if to say "why?". Today if things don't work out the way we want them too- do not sit around and mop and be sad; move on and let go.

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/21

Today's Card Of The Day is : Eight Of Swords 

Today we need to remove the bindings that hold us tight and set ourselves free from our restrictive mind. Maybe we feel powerless, maybe we feel confused, all we need to do is make an effort and we can awaken to the root of whatever is bothering us! Maybe we feel that we need to be saved by someone else, this after all is not just about physical things it's about emotional and mental combining into one big issue! Instead of focusing on the problem look at it for what it is; look at it objectively like an outsider looking in what advice would you give the person who is going through this? Remember that you can set yourself free from your binding and walk away! Use your instincts and psychic abilities we all have them! That is the only thing that is not bound in this card because it can not be! 

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/20

Today's Card Of The Day is: Seven Of Cups

Today we have this less than YAY card :( . This card traditionally means choices, fantasy, and wishful thinking. Lisa takes a different look at this card. It's about following dreams and realizing we are at the end of our road. We are tired, burnt out, and We have given up, we feel that we have come to the end of our road and no matter what specter holds beautiful things in front of us, we just can not go another step. It's important to pay attention right now, look the road under this horse and knight is starting to crumble and fall apart! It's time to face reality, maybe its time to take a break and REALLY reassess our situation and see things for how they truly are- not how we wish them to be. 

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/19

Today's Card Of The Day is: The Star

I love this card, & Lisa made it ALIVE! Click on the picture to zoom in a bit see if you can find any hidden faces! This card is about freedom to follow your inner most desires. There is no fear, nothing holding you back. The story Lisa tells us relates to the world being a live, these beings are cloud people answering calls for rain- the beings around these cloud people collect the conscious desires with the unconscious dreams. Today whatever you have been thinking about and dreaming about these beings are collecting, go forward without fear in your heart! Move towards your dreams! If it's rain you seek then ask for it! Don't be afraid to make wishes today either! 

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/18

Today's Card Of The Day is: Two Of Wands 

Today we need to step out of our own way, we may rapidly become our own worst enemy if we are not careful. Lisa says this card is all about our Doppelgänger, or an evil twin a double walker. The woman in this card has amazing talent but she has not quite yet allowed this talent to be the one that rules, it's no directed. She has a choice either to be dull and drab like her "twin" or to be radiant and powerful full of ambition and drive like she is meant to be! Today make YOUR dreams come true!

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/17

Today's Card of The Day is: Knight Of Wands 

Today I am reading with my new deck ( I couldn't resist!!!). What a great card for today too, we are due for an adventure and boy can I feel it. This past weekend was an adventure for me, I went somewhere I hadn't been. I love this deck because it shares a little story about each card- I am not going to spoil the fun you are going to have to go out and buy the deck so you can read each story, but this card is Hawaiian and the story of Hiku... today we are being lowered into the abyss, our subconscious, an adventure to come out with inspiration. We may find ourselves being offered a new job or a change of scenery. Whatever the adventure is today go for it with all your might!

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/13

Today's Card Of The Day is: Ace of Cups

Ace of cups! I love this card, hehehe. Today we are going to be inspired, something is going to awaken the passions within us and we are going to be energized, just like a new love would put that extra spring in our steps, something (it could very well be a new person!) is going to do the same for us! Love is highlighted today, if you are in a situation that may be testing you, send it some love and see how that may turn around the situation. Other keywords that relate to this card is, emotional intimacy, heightened intuition, emotions, and of course LOVE ♥

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Also please note there will be no card of the day posted again until Monday on this blog, in order to receive a quick card of the day message please "Like" my Facebook page! 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/12

Today's Card Of The Day is: Knight Of Wands 

Today we are joined by the Knight of wands, what an awesome card. This awesome card is coming to speak to us about change, he brings with him energy and enthusiasm. He can speak to us about new jobs, relocation or the need for a change of scenery. He wants us to not view change as a bad thing but open our hearts and minds to the need for the new. In some cases this knight is telling us to make a move now; so if you are on the fence about something right now go for it; be bold take a chance and call on this brave knight to help lead the way for you! YAYYY! 

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/11

Today's Card Of The Day is: Temperance 

Temperance joins us today, to remind us of the divine alchemy that resides within each of us. We need to be balanced today, focusing on our internal and external worlds. Each aspect needs to be payed attention too. We need to think about our health and seek help if we are ill. We may need to combine our energies with someone else as well today. Are you thinking about going into a partnership with someone? This card tells me that it would be beneficial. Today find your perfect balance, only under the right conditions does the rainbow appear and today your rainbow is appearing.

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Card of the day 9/10

Today's Card of The Day is: Five of Cups

Today we are joined by this less than pleasant card. Just as this card illustrates we are going to be mourning over something today. Something is lost to us and we can only see that, mourning is an essential part of human nature. We each have different mourning periods some can be okay quickly while others it takes a while to fully let go. This person is focusing on what they have lost these three cups have spilled never to be retrieved again. However, there is a certain glimmer of hope in this card, there are still two full cups behind this person, they are not focusing on what they still have- they are only focusing on what they have lost. If you find yourself today in a state of mourning, it's important to go through whatever mourning period you need but to do not despair and give up hope because you still have so much left. 

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/9

Today's Card Of The Day: Destiny

Today we are joined by the Wheel of Fortune Card or, in this deck, destiny. This card speaks to us about a changing in our circumstances. As always this can mean a positive or negative force but I would like to focus on the positive because this card was up right. Today something occurs that is "fated" out to be, each choice we make affects the whole of our lives, it effects our destiny! Today we are lucky, because everything will change!

Please note yesterday's card of the day was posted on my Facebook Page It's A Witch's Life, because of time constraints, it was the 5 of swords which is about being victorious at a cost, even if it's not apparent at the time it will become apparent later.

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Friday, September 7, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/7

Today's Card Of The Day is: Balance

Today we need to do all things in moderation, this is not Temperance, but justice, but this deck has a different approach to the idea of Justice. Its all about balance, using the tools available to us to accomplish what we seek to accomplish. Each energy of the suits must be working together to really be in balance, wands actions/energy, cups emotions, pentacles homely/practical matters, swords ideas/inspiration. Today ask yourself are you balanced is one thing more highlighted than the other? Work today to find equilibrium. 

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/6

Today's Card Of The Day is: Nine of Cups

Today we are joined by one of the best cards in the deck, the Wish Card! We are in for a Merry day indeed, celebrations, enjoying the bounty of the land, our harvest, abundance, but most of all we get to make a wish. In some cases this card can mean too much of a good thing, too much to drink, too much partying. This card is about enjoyment on all levels, physical, emotional, and spiritual. What a great card to come and join us today!!! 

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/5


I swear I am operating on a full deck not just pentacles! I'll do other readings with these throughout the day and other cards besides pentacles shows up, this is telling me we REALLY need some pentacle energy right now! The king is the highest ranked in the suits it denotes a man who has reached the top of his field, he is practical and methodical, he's stern yet fair, he's dependable and more than capable of supporting his clan. This kind is the ache typical king of the land more so than any other suit yet a well balanced king will have the positive traits of cups, wands, swords, and pentacles. We need to welcome this figure into our lives today he has a special message for each of us, we need/should spend some time meditating on his meaning for us today. Why has the king entered in your life today? 

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/4

Today's Card Of The Day: Knight Of Pentacles

Today the knight joins us bring us a message of working hard for our prosperity. As the work week begins after the American holiday Labor day we are being reminded that we need to get on our horse and direct it towards the prosperity we want and deserve. There are few hand outs in life, and this card is telling you that you have to take the reigns of your life and steer it towards what you desire. Yes that is traditionally the chariot card but I am getting this message in this card today, so many of us need a job or more money or want a more "homely" atmosphere in our lives but are we working towards it? We need to be unwavering in our decisions, realistic, and hardworking then what we desire will surely come much easier for us! 

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Monday, September 3, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/3

Card Of The Day: The Raven

Today we are visited by Raven. Raven comes to us to us to speak of magick, we may have been going through a dark time or are in desperate need of something- Raven comes and places synchronicities from spirit in our path. They say there is no such thing as coincidences and I believe that. Maybe we have given up hope in magick being real and are ready to throw in the towel, raven comes to day to remind us magick exists, don't give up, there is great power in the in-between places that witches go. Today I want each one of you who read this to make a wish , will it into being and know that it if it's of the highest good of all that it will come to pass, now I want you to let this wish go. Seeds don't grow when we constantly dig them up checking how they are growing, we have to trust that there is life springing forth from the seeds *wishes* we plant. 

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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/2

Today's Card Of The Day is: Letting Go 

Today I pulled us a card from Colette Baron-Reid's deck The Wisdom Of Avalon.This deck is quite powerful, today we need to focus on letting go and especially poignant card after yesterday's card- of tight control. We need to release attachments to emotions, people, situations, and places. We need to allow spirit to take the reigns of our life for a while and allow the great mystery to take over. We need to let go of our control over the world around us- our world- spirit when asked will work on our behalf but sometimes we need to get out of the way. If it's the past we are holding on too then we need to let go of the past because it's place is no longer with us, if you are holding on to old loves or painful memories this card reminds us the act of letting go is vital to our well-being. 

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Card Of The Day 9/1

Today's Card Of The Day: Four Of Pentacles 

Today we are guarding our property and although there is no need we are refusing to change. We are over-stepping our control. This card is also about jealousy- wanting what someone else has. We are being blocked when it comes to change. We need to work through this and be extra mindful of how we may be today. 

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