Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Card of The Day 7/31

Today's Card Of The Day: 4 of Wands 

Today's card is the 4 of wands, and what a welcomed card it is after the last couple of days, I needed some happier more upbeat energy to join in on my day! Today's about celebrations, planning one, preparing for one, or enjoying one! Today may involve a surprise party of some kind or just a jovial day! Welcome this energy into your day especially if you wake up or are having a bad day! Things will only look up from here. Some other keywords and idea's for today are: freedom, breaking free of an oppressing situation/mood/environment etc, feeling excited for today, celebration, being surprised. Enjoy today and all that it has to offer! YAY!

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Card Of The Day 7/30

Today's Card Of The Day is: 8 of cups! 

Every morning when I start up my computer to wake up and read whats going on I always check in with another tarot readers daily card posting and today, out of the month or so that I have been posting cards to this blog, is the only day that she and I match. The 8 of cups isn't the best of cards but for me personally it definitely speaks of my mood. The 8 of cups is about walking away, getting yourself balanced emotionally so that you can find your happiness. It's walking away from that which is causing you pain and sadness- this card denotes a certain level of maturity that comes after a life altering event- such as leaving an abusive partner, or realizing that a soulless job isn't worth it and seeking a more fulfilling career. This card is also about lack of energy and enthusiasm, in addition to finding yourself. 

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Card Of The Day 7/29

Card Of The Day: The High Priestess

Today I decided to choose another card from Colette's Deck "Wisdom Of Avalon" oracle deck, so this has a bit different tone than a traditional tarot deck. Today we are joined by the High Priestess, one of the highest most esteemed figures, in my opinion, in this deck. Today is a day about seeing things with our sixth sense- this is a different energy than the other day prophesy and vision are different than the other day. Yesterday was knowing when you are being deceived (owl) this card isn't too different- but instead of this information coming outside of you, today is about inner knowing and intuition. This card is about feminine power and magick- make no mistake today is a powerful day and one who's energy I would harness! Today don't be afraid to put on your "Witchy" hats and mix up powerful potions to move you in the direction you desire.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Card of the Day 7/28

Today's Card of the Day is Owl 

Today I opted to do something a bit different, I have been called to use Colette Baron Reid's deck The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards, not the traditional tarot but powerful nonetheless. This deck speaks to me very deeply. Today we are visited by the animal ally the owl. The owl is one of the most powerful nighttime hunters, with it's keen sight and ability to see in all directions it's the perfect totem for the psychic- however, today's card visits us because we need to borrow it's eyes to see the true picture around us, not that there is deception to see but there are truths that we need to open our eyes and actually see for what they are. Maybe that relationship isn't what we think it is, or maybe the job we have been saying is perfect for us truly isn't, or quite possibly we have been deceiving someone for our personal gain. Owl is a powerful ally and brings something a lot of us think we desire but not so many of us truly can handle "Truth". Let owls perception work for you today or any day really get to the heart of a matter you have been thinking about. This card also speaks of wisdom and maybe we are going to reach a new plateau of wisdom to draw from or find someone who has the wisdom we need right now, ally's come in all different forms don't turn down good advice! 

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Card of The Day 7/27

Card of The Day: Sacrifice 

Today's card of the day comes and reminds us of the power of letting go and  putting our personal needs aside for that of the other people around us. This is a card of selfless love- love without expectations of anything in return. This card is also about being a martyr, but it also means taking a time out to seek out enlightenment, in the traditional tarot deck this is the Hanged Man. Sometimes we need to let go in order to get what we want, we need to let go our tight "a**" hold on our live and let the divine take the reins for a while then true miracles happen! If you have been hiding your true self from others this card also means letting go of that grip and being YOU! This card as with most majors in the Tarot has multiple levels to it; no matter what meaning you take from this card today- a period has ended *or is in the process of ending* and good things are on the horizon.

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Card of The Day 7/26

Today's Card of the Day is: Nine of Swords 

Oh my sweet readers, how I wish this wasn't our card today but Alas I can relate to this card. The nine of swords is all about piercing persistent thoughts that wont go away. It doesn't matter WHAT is going on what we need to do (especially if it concerns sleeping-um forget about it!) these thoughts have made their way into your mind and they aren't leaving. They are thoughts about the past, the possibilities of a loved one cheating, the worry that the truth you are concealing will be found out, how am I going to pay for ______. I am not saying all these things are going on or will happen I am saying and giving examples to the types of thoughts that may be keeping us in a state of mental unease, they wake us up in the middle of the night (if we ever did manage to fall asleep!), the funny thing about them is really the only way to make them go away is to ride them out, bring light to their darkness, face your fears head on- dive into that dreaded conversation that NEEDS to happen. Probably what your thinking is a million times worse than the reality of it all. 

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Card of The Day 7/25

Today's Card of the Day: 10 of Wands

Today we are joined by the 10 of wands, which is all about heavy burdens we carry from the past. The woman who is shouldering them however seems to have them in some order and is using them to her advantage. However, it seems we are going through as a whole a time of releasing the past and moving forward, I truly have this feeling today this card is coming to tell us to look at the burdens we are carrying so that we can let some of them go and move forward but it's also about looking at the burdens we have because they are clues on how to not repeat history, but it's also our history and history shouldn't be forgotten. Don't hide from your past, it's made you who you are, but don't weigh yourself down so much you  can't move forward and enjoy life. It's a complex card for a complex day.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Card of the day 7/24

Today's card of the day is the three of pentacles:

Today we are joined by the master craftsman the three of pentacles. This card speaks of a craft (profession) that we do because we love it and it fulfills us on many levels, not just because we have to do it to get by! If you have not found this calling you are being called to explore yourself so you can find it! This card also speaks of honing in on the skills this calling requires so you can become better a "master" of your craft! Do not sit by idly today- get busy your hands dirty!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Card of the day 7/23

Today our card of the day is The Fool, today is a day of new beginnings and youth like excitement. The fool brings our energy and excitement up a notch- just like that of a 10 year old! The fool also has the same practicality too! Today be mindful if that new idea that popped into your head is it practical? Are you about to fall off a cliff on your face? Listen to your guides (the little dog) they will warn you of possible harm!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Card of the day 7/22

Today's card of the day is The Wheel Of Fortune.

Today things are out of our control the fate have stepped in and shifted our life and our situation. The wheel is ever shifting and ever turning, each choice we make affects this wheel and how it turns for you!
Some may call this Karma and some call it The Fates! I personally am not a subscriber to the thought of the Karma but many are- be mindful how you walk on this earth, it affects more than just you!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Card of The Day 7/21

Today's Card of The Day is The House

Another Lenormand day here, to learn about the lenormand view yesterday's post here. Today we are joined by the house which focuses on things that a house represents, the lenormand is based solely on symbols and their meanings. Today is about Security, as in peace of mind. Relax or work on building up your piece of mind security so that you can relax. Today focuses on area's concerning the house, such as real estate- are you looking for a house? Perhaps today's the day you'll find your dream home! Or maybe you need to sell the house today's a good day to get the ball rolling there!  Either way focus your attention "close to home" (ahaha) today.

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PS: I offer Lenormand readings too just specify that in an e-mail after placing your order! 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Card Of The Day 7/20/12

Today's Card of the day is The Mountain

Today I wanted to do something a bit different, today's card is from a Lenormand Deck, specifically, Mlle. Lenormand Cartomancy Deck. Which is set up NOTHING  like a tarot deck!! To learn more about the Lenormand go here. Today we have obstacles and barriers to overcome. We will see visible delays and it will be a very frustrating experience however, know that this set back is only temporary! Nothing lasts forever, including set backs and delays, by the very nature of the word delay means just a temporary set back! I know a lot of you may feel discouraged ( I know I do today already and I have only been up for several hours!) but tomorrow a new day!

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PS: I offer Lenormand readings too just specify that in an e-mail after placing your order! 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Card of The Day 7/19

Today's Card of The Day is The Sun 

What a happy and wonderful card!!!! This card is about celebration, merriment, the height of summer, being joyous and having your time in the "light". Today we can expect GOOD THINGS, even if they are under the guise of what we may consider to be bad, it will all work out in the long run and for the better! The sun has risen, the clouds are parting, YAY! 

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Card of The Day 7/18

Today's Card of The Day is Serendipity! 

Today we are joined by Serendipity, I really like the artwork on this card (okay i love the whole deck!) a beautiful woman/faerie that has the moon behind her and beautiful butterflies all around her. Yesterday on my drive home I was thinking about something and pondering something very important to me and a butterfly landed on my car and then flew off. There are no such thing as coincidences; today we need to focus on our soul work as they provide us the new prospects that are on the horizon. This card speaks of patient expectation of the future, things are finally starting to shape into what you want them to be! Work hard, prepare, study, network, and you will be A' okay! 

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Card of the Day 7/17

Today's Card of the Day is "Love" 

Today we are joined by "Love" card from Madame Endora's Fortune cards. I love these cards, short and sweet and too the point. Today all matters of love and relationships are highlighted (seems to be a current theme for me) Today isn't so much about romantic or sexual involvement though it's about doing things that we LOVE, being around people that we LOVE, and YES possibly finding the real thing or moving closer towards the creation of a real relationship. I adore this card, it speaks to me of angelic and divine intervention and YAY! :) If you are in a relationship be sure to let your loved ones know how much they mean to you! If you are single then do something you love - you never know what may happen while you are beaming with that love energy!

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Card Of The Day 7/16

Today's Card of the Day is The Ace of Swords:

Image from here
Today we are joined by the powerful card the Ace of Swords. Today we need to not only look at things from a higher perspective, joined with spirit, but we also need to look at our ideas today. Today inspiration will come to us in the most unlikely of circumstances. Toady we also need to figure out the truth, and our truth:

  • WHO ARE WE? 
These are just some of the questions we need to answer, today writing and meditation on these questions will help us prepare for the future! Today is all about the embodiment of the Air element, if we are having problems in this category than maybe it's time to connect with the element of Air. 

  • Drive with the windows down
  • Sit in front of a Fan/AC unit 
  • Hold a feather in your hand and notice how it "catch's the Air" 
  • Write without any topic in mind just let the words flow even if illegible at first. 
Today inspiration will lead the way to new opportunities and new ways of thinking! Rejoice! 

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Card of the Day 7/15



Today's card of the day is authority which is also known as the emperor! Today the father aspect is highlighted as important, I am also getting today you have to stand your ground and be firm in your decision making. Whatever it is that you are planning to do some may throw some opposition your way today, be firm and you will persevere.

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Card of the Day 7/14

TODAY'S CARD OF THE DAY IS: "recognition and reward"

today is all about allowing someone to see the hard work you have been doing, and they will thank you for it! Today your hard work will pay off, and you will be in the spot light and people will see all the hard work you have been doing!! YAY today is a day to celebrate! Woohoo! 

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Card of The Day 7/13

Today's Card of the Day is: "Transformation & Spiritual Union"

The Transformation and Spiritual Union should be switched.

Today when I was shuffling something really interesting happened another card flew out!! I do not believe in coincidences and I decided both cards needed to visit us today! It's also funny these cards are coming to us on today a Friday ruled by Venus! I could read this one of two ways, someones relationship with someone else will be ending and it's over today. OR today someones life is going to transform and shift into a deeper union a spiritual bond that both partners recognize. You know what I am sure both interpretations will ring true to at least a couple of my readers.

I am going to lean on the interpretation of someones relationship is going to transform into something more amazing and spiritual- remember not everything has to do with sex, this may never be a sexual relationship, this may be a deep spiritual platonic bond!

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

$1.00 Tarot Readings!

One Card one Question
Get the wisdom of the tarot for only $1.00. You will recieve your reading via e-mail within 12 hours of ordering from my site (most of the time it is much less time to recieve the guidance you need!), if I do not recieve a question from you within an hour of purchase i'll assume that you desire a general reading, e-mail me your question to itsawitchslife@gmail.com or add it into seller notes after the origional purchase time! I look forward to being able to assist you!!

To order this please visit my website here. 

Card of the Day 7/12

Today's card of the day is "Earth"

We are joined today by the card Earth, representing the element of EARTH in magick and our lives, which is all about the qualities that earth represents logic, common sense, grounding oneself and their energy. Today isn't the day to be prone by flights of fancy, or ruled by passion, or emotions. Today we should look at our banking and finances, focus on our home, work on slow and steady progress towards our goals! Earth is methodical and chipping away little bits and pieces at a time. 


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Card of the Day 7/11

Today's card is "The Star"

Today we are visited by the wonderful celestial being known as the star! Today things are going to be "dreamy".Today is a day about having and holding hope inside of us and creating it in our world. I am also getting for today that some of us may get a message we really want, something that we have been secretly wishing for, may happen today. Make your wish upon the star and know that it will come to you! Other keywords associated with the STAR: inspiration, hope, generosity, serenity. 


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Card of the day 7/10


Today's card is "Seven Of Wands"

Today we are joined by the 7 of wands. Today we need to stand up for ourselves and our cause, we need to be prepared to fight the fight. If there something we want but are not getting today we need to gather our energy and go after what we want. Rarely do things come to us all nice and packaged on a silver platter ready for our taking. We need to go after what we want! This card also speaks of petty battles and stupid arguments, be prepared today for a little "sparring"- if there are no words or actions exchanged you surely will feel the tension mounting. There are some definite "mountains" that need to be hurdled today. Just remember to breath and not get ahead of yourself, some battles just aren't worth fighting! 


Monday, July 9, 2012

Card of the Day 7/9


Today's card is "The Minstrel"

Today's card of the day is all about "singing" your song, today people need to know what is going on in your life and your wishes. Some of us don't share our feelings or wish's in order to keep the balance and today that just wont do, this card is about being open and "vocal". This card is also about hidden agenda's and motives, call on the minstrel to bring to light those "sneaky" tendencies. Let me hear your voice's singing today :) 


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Card of The Day 7/8


Today's card is "Patience"

Today we are visited by the major arcana card of patience, better known as temperance. This is interesting imagry for a traditional card that usually has a beautiful naked woman at a pool of water mixing a divine mixture. This card tells me that some of us have some seeds we have (or about to have) planted that need to be nurtured (not over nurtured) with love, water, food and care. It also tells me a bit about over "checking" on something to make sure its doing what you want. Part of magick is the divine rule of building up power, shooting it off to the universe and then letting it go. What we see here is the divine showing us what this seed has the potential of being a beautiful flower, but it wont happen if we don't nurture it. This is also a spiritual card relating to our spiritual journeys we can't rush things before they are ready, sometimes journies take a while (a long long time before we see any "fruits of our labor"). Today be patient! 

Other meanings: take your time with making important choices/decisions, be patient with yourself and loved ones, make slow and steady progress on a magickal or spiritual goal- do so in a balanced state, allow spirit to intervene on your behalf. 


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Card of The Day 7/7


Today's card is "Partnerships and Alliances"

Today is about building friendships and bonds, This is not necessarily a romantic day but a day of networking, signing and making deals (which was verified that today I signed a contract myself!). Be sure to do your homework before doing anything rash. This card also speaks of balance- male/woman- good/bad- hot/cold ect. Make sure it's an even and equal exchange. 


Friday, July 6, 2012

Card of The Day 7/6


Today's card is "Movement, Choices, Decisions"

Today we have to sit back and asses our situation, we need to look at all area's of our life, not just the problems spot, we have to pick an area to move forward with, and for some we may have some seriously hard choices to make today. This could relate to a new romantic interest, a new business choice, maybe a new expense such as a house or a car, this could relate to new ideas, or a major life issue such a health or the body. Either way the figure on this card uses more than just his/her intellect to make these choices, this person uses their intuition too, delve deep into your psyche the answers await in that in-between space. 

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Card Of The Day 7/5


Today's card is the Page of Swords

Today is about getting ready for adventure, mental agility (like blow your mind mental agility!), being prepared in an argument or debate. Capture this Page's energy because boy can she help you out, however, if you need to be in a situation that requires Tact or Butt kissing this Page probably isn't the energy you should call upon as she is the most likely to speak her mind (a well thought out response) but probably not the most tactful- she's blunt! Here are some keywords: confident(some may say arrogant), adventure, mental agility, debates, mental journeying/meditation/journey~work, an emotional being behind it all, a storm may be approaching on the horizon be ready! 

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Card of the Day 7/4


Happy Fourth of July Everyone! Today we are visited by the 12th card in the Major Arcana: 

This card is about shifting perspectives. Is a different approach better to handle this situation right now? Gabriel and I have a very special bond and it's very interesting that today Gabriel decides to join us(me), as my connection to him is through one special person in my past who's favorite holiday was The Fourth Of July!

Today is a day also of epiphanies and inner awakenings, that is had after a time of meditation or inner work. Today maybe we need to spend some time in a deep state of meditation or reflection, possibly working with the Runes in magick or for meditation purposes. this card is also about Patience, selflessness, unexpected life changes, being yourself, and unusual solutions! 

Keep cool everyone and remember to keep your pets safe if you are partaking in the 4th of July festivities, and give them plenty of cool fresh water! 

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Card of The Day 7/3

Today's Card of the Day 

Today's card of the day is the Knight brought to us by the beautiful and lovely deck "Madame Endora's Fortune Cards" and if you were lucky enough to be a part of my Facebook page's give-away readings about two weeks ago that is the deck I used. Today's card is basically the equivocation of yesterday's card the 6 of  wands, but with a knightly twist!

Today is about being triumphant, it's also though about being truthful. It also focus's on justice, and being fair. You will succeed in whatever it is you are planning to do, ride your horse and enjoy the "spotlight" again. YAY!

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Card of The Day 7/2

Today's Card of the day is : 

Steampunk Tarot by Barbara Moore and Aly Fell 

Today we are greeted by the Six of Wands. The six of wands is all about VICTORY and CELEBRATION,  this is now the time to claim your space in the spot light. This is also a card of pride, being proud of your accomplishments! If your like me and tend not to enjoy the "spot-light" too much today you may not have a choice, all eyes will be on you, and hopefully for good! 

To order a reading with me go here
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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Card of the day July 1st

Today we are visited by card number 14 temperance or angel zadkiel. Today Is about balance both inner and outer balance. It's the blending of potions creating cosmic blends that shift who we are. 99.9% of our brain is a chemical cocktail it's our emotions how we relate to our outer world, how we react in our inner world out brains are amazing. Today be mindful of the divine mixtures your making everything in moderation. Today is not the day to make rash choices blend things into a harmonious potion.