Thursday, July 26, 2012

Card of The Day 7/26

Today's Card of the Day is: Nine of Swords 

Oh my sweet readers, how I wish this wasn't our card today but Alas I can relate to this card. The nine of swords is all about piercing persistent thoughts that wont go away. It doesn't matter WHAT is going on what we need to do (especially if it concerns sleeping-um forget about it!) these thoughts have made their way into your mind and they aren't leaving. They are thoughts about the past, the possibilities of a loved one cheating, the worry that the truth you are concealing will be found out, how am I going to pay for ______. I am not saying all these things are going on or will happen I am saying and giving examples to the types of thoughts that may be keeping us in a state of mental unease, they wake us up in the middle of the night (if we ever did manage to fall asleep!), the funny thing about them is really the only way to make them go away is to ride them out, bring light to their darkness, face your fears head on- dive into that dreaded conversation that NEEDS to happen. Probably what your thinking is a million times worse than the reality of it all. 

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